I have never been one for new year resolutions but I do love the sentiment of new year and the feeling of that fresh start it brings. I love the optimistic feeling that everything can be good again no matter how much of a crappy year you have had.
2016 was a crappy year for most people, I think we lost a record amount of amazing human beings last year and it was the beginning of my health problems & subsequent work problems. But I am an eternal optimist & I say we can start this year afresh, take a deep breath and dive into 2017 with a clean start!
Every year I make a list of things I want to do rather than making a huge resolution I will never keep. I have succeeded in doing these things without fail as they can be as small or as large as you want. Here are some of mine -
- Be more creative - This is one that has suffered immensely at the hands of my health problems. I need to not only be more creative more often but also be more fearless in my creativity. Who cares what people think if it makes you happy!
- Read 50 books - I always set myself a book goal on goodreads & this year is no exception. I already read four as I promised myself I would finish some I'd started and then put down for one reason or another. The four I have read are -
- Read more broadly - I admit sometimes I can get a bit snobby about books. There are genres out there that I really want to explore but they also make me roll my eyes and grunt every time they come up in my goodreads. I need to get over this and give things a go. A lot of readers and booktubers I respect read these genres so why can't I?
- Try some new foods - This is one I have on my goals list every year. I love noting down the things I have tried and what I thought. Last year I tried soft shell crab, caviar, schnitzel (in Austria) and amazing Austrian potato salad for the first time. Trying new things changes the way I see food, I immediately wanted to explore Austrian cookery when I got home.
- Spend more time with my loved ones - This is something that has been life saving for me these past few months. I have realised who is important to me & how much I neglect those relationships when life gets in the way. I need to make a lot more effort with the important people in my life.
- Travel more - Last year at the age of 32 I had my first flight abroad, I went to Vienna, Austria and it was absolutely incredible. I pretty much just ate and looked at fabulous architecture the entire time. I loved every second.
- Declutter my life - I am a terribly material person. I only just realised how bad it is after watching the minimalists documentary on netflix. I highly recommend you watch it & rethink how you live. I have signed up to depop & ebay and I have plans to have a carboot with a friend when the weather warms up a bit. I am determined to get rid of all the senseless crap I have collected that my hoarder mentality wont let me part with.
- Prioritize those who prioritize me - I know that I have said & done crappy things to my friends. I have been far from perfect but the struggle of the last few months has really shown me who is important and what kind of energy I want in my life. I will surround myself with those that help me become a better, more creative and centred person.
So yeah I am aware this turned into a looooong ass post but its all relevant to where I want to go with my year to come. Here's to a 2017 that doesn't suck!!
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